Section "D"
Pa. German Pioneers - Strassburger--Hinke Vol I pg. 303.
Early Settlers Middletown Valley - Scharft's History of Western md. pg 634 Vol I.
David Delatre "David's Choice" Liber LG#E Pat 100 Folio 284 100 A pat.#239.
Frederick Co. Md. Church Records (Reformed and Lutheran).
G.S. film #5051 pt 4 "Reformed Church and Family Records in Eastern PA and MD located at Franklin & Marshall College Library, Lancaster Pa" David De Latere (1749).
"Naturalization of Foreign Protestants in the American & West Indian Colonies pursuant to Statute 13 Geo. II c 7 p 11." David Delater was naturalized in Frederick Co. Md. Apr. Assizes 1749.
A-1 Folio 280 18 Feb. 1767 David's Will probated.
Estate of David Delauder 16 Feb. 1768 Liber 96 Folio 56 & 57.
1768-96 Inventories TAS Com'R (Jacob Delator mentioned) 139 I C 1-401 pg 229 Liber No. 9.
1804 Gen. Index of Wills Ann Arundle Co. Md. Folio 328 Book No 2 & No 37.
Levy Book Folio 59 (see Fred XCVI Annapolis, David Delater 1740-1750.
Baltimore Marriages #202, #400, Mont. Co. Md. #439, #449.
Jacob Delauder - Will 24 Nov. 1817
Levy Book 1811-1836 pg. 262 & 263 Adam Delauder - Ann Arundle Co. Hall of Records.
Holdcraft's "Names in Stone."
Frederick Md. Lutheran Marriages & Burials 1743-1811 - Weiser.
Oakland Centennial History 1849-1949 pg 43 Md.
Garrett Co. Md. Marriage & Court Records.
Records of Monacy Church & Evangelical Lutheran Congregation in Frederick Md. by Weiser, Nat. Gen. Soc. Wash. D.C.
The Pennsylvanian German Maryland - Daniel Wunderlich Nead - Genealogical Pub. Co. Baltimore Md. pg 138.
Section "J"
Obituaries from Middletown Valley, furnished by Clara Grossnickle & Ruth Main
Obituaries - Dayton O. Public Library.
Obituaries - Toledo Public Library.
Family Bibles: Alphases De Lawter; Ephraim Carmack; Hooper; Keister & Grunden; Jacob De Lawter.
Marriage Records: Frederick, Washington counties Md.; Preble Co. O.; Mont. Co. O.; Laramie C. Wyo.; Denver, Col.
Family Records: Garrett & Huntzinger.
Knox. Co. Health Dept. Vincennes. Ind.
History of Montgomery Co. Oh. 1882, Pub W.H. Beers & Co. Chicago pg 344.
Unpub. Manuscript furnished by Marjorie Mae Davis Brink, written by Mrs. Walter E. Davis.
History of Cass Co Ind. Dr. Jehu Z. Powell, ed Lewis Pub. Co. Chicago Il 1913 pg 1140.
Cass Co. Birth/death/marriage records.
Germantown, Oh Cem Records.
Wabash Co. Ind. Wills 1842-1894.
The Pioneer, Samuel Hardin, Pub Greenfield 1895 pg 79.
Quaker Records, Hinkle creek Monthly Mtg. Hamilton Co. Ind. N.E. of Westfield, Ind. pg 394-411.
Boys in Blue, Hardin pg 109.
History of Madison Co. Ind 1820-74, Hardin pg 208.
Frederick Co Md Church records (Reformed and Lutheran).
Church Book, Funkstown Md. 1852-1887.
Lutheran congregational Chr. Middletown, Md.
Wms. History Frederick co. Md.
German Reformed Chr. records Frdk. Co. Md. pgs 36, 57, 162.
Frdk. Md. Lutheran Marriages & Burials 1743-1811 -- Weiser.
Toledo City directory 1884-1885.
Holdcraft's - Names in Stone.
Anderson Ind. Cem. Records.
Anderson Democrat pg 4 col 4 Sept. 24, 1888.
Hamilton Co. Ind. #186 McCarty's Funeral Records.
Family Hist. owned by Mrs. Gertrude (Martin) Jarrett, May 1967.
29 Oct 1754 Jacob Delunten - Pat "Worms" G S #2 Folio 204-25 Hall of Records Annapolis, Md.
10 Apr. 1762 Jacob Delaterre - Naturalization Judgement #96 DD 2 1761-1762 pg 3.
From 1769 through 1773 the Debt books Fol. 43 #25, 37 #25, 47 #26, 44 #26, 45 #25 for "Worms" are listed under Jacob Delauder (This, plus the fact that David included this same tract of land by name "WORMS" in a tract call "LAST CHOICE" IB#B 492, leads me to believe "Delunten" above should be Delauter.
S. Folio 40 pg 98 Fredk Co Md - 30 A. 102
S. Folio 43 pg 102 Frdk Co Md.
1776 Delawter, Henry Muster Rolls of Md. Trooops in American Revolution pg 261, Supplementary German Regiment Papers, German Regiment Roll of Capt. henry Fister's Co. in the German Battalion Comm'd by Col. Nicholas Hussecker 1776 - Henry Delawter, Pvt.
Section "G"
In addition to sources in the text, the following:
Arkansas Genealogical Research Records Vol 33 Ark. D A R
Frederick Co Md Church Records (Reformed and Lutheran)
A Byrd Family History compiled by Robert Earl Byrd - Wisc. State Historical Lib.
Index to U.S. Census 1850 Arkansas (DeLaughter, David - Clark 222 Missouri; Delotter, Solomon - Ouachita 077 liberty).
Baptist Church Records Edgefield, S.C.
Census Records Amite Co., Pike Co., Hinds Co., Lawrence Co. Lincoln Co. Miss.; Edgefield Co. S.C.; Clark Co. Mo.; and Ouachita Co. Ark.
Goodspeed: South Arkansas --- "Biographical & Historical Memoirs of Southern Arkansas" Pub 1890 by Goodspeed Pub. Co. Chi. Ill, Nashville, Tenn. & St. Louis Mo. pg 464 & 468.....
"Loyalists in Southern Campaign of the Rev. War" Vol 1 pg 47. South Carolina Officers on halp pay at Savannah in 1780 - Lieut. William Deloter (C.L. Mackenzie Papers) by Murtie June Clark; Baltimore Genealogical Pub. Co. Inc 1981.
Section "L"
Frederick Co Md. Church Records (Reformed and Lutheran).
21 Aug 1780 Laurence Delauder - Deed for 168 A. in Shenandoah Co. Va. by Lord Fairfax.
W. Va. Phillippi Cemetary & Mortuary records, Moorfield, Cemetary Records Preston Co. & Barbour Co. Marriage records; Hardy Co. birth, Mariage, death, obituaries, and land records.
Shenandoah Marriage Bonds 1772-1850 compiled by Bernice M Ashby (1967 Va. Bk. Co.)
Woodstock, Va. marriage register.
History of Western Md. being a History of Frederick, Montgomery, Carrol, Washington, Alleghany & Garrett Counties by Scharf, Vol I J.B. Lippincott & Co. 1882.
Lawrence Co. Oh. Marriage Records.
Land Pat 15 B C & G S #30-271 "Quarrell Hill"
Pat 50 B C & G S #125 168-170 "Agreed in Time."
Laurence Delauder mentioned "De Lauter's Luck" I C #G 229 - Hall of Records Annapolis Md.
Will Book No. 6 p 349 Hardy Co. W.VA.
Land Books hardy Co. W. Va. 1797, 1799, 1800.
1-17-1837 Delawder, larence Inventories W.Va.
Estate Steetements 1753-1850.
Supplement to 1810 U.S. Census W. Va. & Tax lists of Va. H 2.
Deed Book " " p 328 2 Dec 1816 Hardy Co. W.Va.
R W. Va. Estate Settlements 1753-1850 929, 3754 Will 1 Nov 1841 Abraham Delawder J 64 Oh. State Hist. Lib.
Baptismal record Apple's Chr. Frdk. Co Md pg 13.
Pension papers - James M. Delawder Lawrence Co. Oh.
Section "A"
Wash. Co Md Marriage Records.
Church Book of Funkstown Md. 1852-1887
History of Marion Co. O.
Cemetary Records La Rue, O.
La Rue 125th - 1851-1976 Kiwanis Int. pg 30
File # 5740 Marion Co. O. 20 Nov 1912
Personal records of Dorothy Delauder Burkepile; Clarence Delauder & Charlene Traver.
Unpublished records of Mary Olive DeLauder Martin.
Holdcraft's "Names in Stone."