Katharine Delawder born June 1786, died May 1874 married Abraham Roberts (b circa 1780, d 1837/39 Hazelton Cem Perry Co., OH)Children of Katharine "Catharine" Delawder and Abraham Roberts:Isaac Roberts born OH 3 June 1806, died 2 Nov 1893, buried Beaver Union Cem, Beaver, OH, married 30 April 1837 Jemima Amy Donaldson
Sarah Roberts born March 1807, died 5 May 1900, buried Sunbury, OH, married Licking Co., OH 3 Jan 1828 to Jacob Feazel (b Licking Co., OH 21 June 1809, d Sunbury, OH 21 March 1896)
Mary Polly Roberts born OH 1812, died 31 Aug 1897, buried IL, married 13 Sept 1836 to Robert Athey
Leah Roberts married (1) Jacob Hammond, married (2) Jacob Lehr
David Roberts born 9 Dec 1816, died Bishopville, OH 14 Dec 1901, buried Beech Grove Perry Co., OH, married 17 Sept 1840 to Sarah Bonham
Elsie Roberts married 4 April 1842 to Geo. Kockensparger
Elizabeth Roberts born circa 1822, married (1) circa 1840 to Lewis Frye, married (2) 5 April 1857 to Moses Green Perry Co., OH
Rachel Roberts married Basil Hoy