This web site has been inspired by the book De Lauter Families in America 1982, a Genealogy by Pauline Grace De Lauter Fry.
Ms. Fry's book is far and beyond the most authoritative and informative source on the descendants of David De Lattre. It has been said "what
good is history if it is not shared." Ms.Fry has performed an incredible amount of research and deserves the thanks and praise of all of
the descendants of David De Lattre for enriching all of us with our family history. Ms. Fry's states in her book the following: "This book is
a compilation of family, official church and
state records. As such, error is always a possibility even tho'
much time and effort have been spent to make it otherwise. Family
records have been entered as received, unless we have found
contradictory official (church or state) records. I hope the misspelling of your particular version of our
surname will not be taken as a personal affront. There are at least six variations in the previous
one hundred years among my closest relatives." Mrs. Fry also stated in the Acknowledgements section: "With the publication of this book, it is my
hope that additional information will be forthcoming. It would be most gratifying to uncover the definitive proof of relationship between DAVID,
JACOB and LAWRENCE and to find the proof of service with Lafayette."
NOTE: Throughout this website I (Glen Delawder) have used the surname Delawder; however, in many instances the surname was not spelled as Delawder. It is probable
that because of widespread illiteracy, this led to many variations in our surnames, and because of these variations, I chose to spell names as "Delawder" to simplify it for myself, but if you descend from David De Lattre,
there are a number of these ancestors where you can easily substitute "Delawder" for your
own family's surname. (See the next paragraph with various surname spellings.)
Early in our research we found many different spellings of this surname. When we examined Holdcroft's personal notes for his publication "NAMES IN STONE," we knew our assumptions were correct. We must allow for a great variation in spelling. Generally, the southern branch listed in part #4 uses Delaughter; Lawrence's line in part #3 uses Delawder; the Indiana group listed in part #2 uses DeLawter; and William s/o Daniel in part #2 uses DeLaughter; and my great grandfather DeLauder and grandfather DeLauter, etc.
DeLauter | Delatterin |
DeLader | Delatur |
Dilader | Delator |
Dilator | DeLauder |
Dillowter | DeLaughter |
Delattern | DeLawter |
Delatter | DeLawder |
Delauder | Deloyder |
Delaughter | Delatterer |
Delawter | DeLaughder |
Delawder | DeLaughdder |
Dellauter | de la Tour |
Delatterre | de Lauder |
Dell a dor | Delanter |
DeLatere | Delatro |
The book (De Lauter Families in America 1982, a Genealogy by Pauline Grace De Lauter Fry) is the author's attempt to bring together as much genealogical material as possible under the surname DeLauter, and its various spellings; Delauder, Delawder, Delawter, Delaughter, and others which will be shown in a more complete listing. (see above)
This is the result of 10 years of research in Maryland,
Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin,
Minnesota, Iowa, Oklahoma, Louisiana, North and South Carolina,
and Washington D.C.
The family legend told to me as a child was that three DeLauter brothers came from France with Lafayette and fought in the American Revolution. In lieu of wages, they chose land in the upper Middletown Valley of Maryland. This same legend has been handed down by two other dis-associated groups of the family.
(This letter of a P.C. De Laughter of RD #2 Warren, Ohio
bearing date 7/23/25, we quote: [probably Philip C. DeLauter s/o
Israel s/o Henry Jacob - progenitor]
Dear Friends: While on a short visit to my native state a few days ago, I was asked to write a brief history about the DeLaughter Family, to be read at the reunion in the near future, being one of the oldest now living, they perhaps thought I could tell something interesting. In a few brief words I shall endeavor to outline the facts as given to me a few years ago: Our forefathers were French originally the Huguenot race of people. They were protestants. The Catholics did not like them on account of their religion, (just like they hate the Ku Klux Klan today, but they haven't drove out yet). They drove the Huguenots over into Germany and they married with the Germans. The first person to land in this country was a Lutheran minister by the name of Paul Delatter as records show at Harrisburg, PA. The name has been much abused. Since, in my grandfather's old family Bible, he spelled it Delaughter, and I have spelled it the same way ever since I could write. Except the "DeLaughter" I use has a capital "L." "De" being French is pronounced "Day." Some write it Delauter, Delauder, and so on. It don't matter what they call us just so it is not too late for dinner. Now my friends if there is anything in this letter that is interesting to you, I shall feel amply repaid.
-- P.C. De Laughter
"ANCESTORS OF DE LAUTER'S OF AMERICA - 1946" This is what I know of our people. The first De Lauter's that I heard of were in the Revolution Army of Lafayette when France sent an army to help fight for our liberty. It was said they were good soldiers in the year 1776. After the war there were three brothers who came over. Two of them settled in Pennsylvania and one in Virginia. One of them was a Lutheran Minister by the name of Paul De Lauter. The record shows that in Harrisburgh, PA. I don't know how many generations have passed, but I do know about my grandfather. He had quite a number of brothers and sisters. Some of them married. One married Daniel Palmer and one married Bussard, and Harry De Lauter married Gahasin Cline. He had a large family of boys and their names were George De Lauter. He married Nancy Hooper. Next was Philip. He went to Indiana. Lewis went west. Hanson also went west. Henry was your grandfather. David was my father. Israel and Mary Ann were children of David and some died in childhood. Now we come to my generation and just two of the above, my father and your grandfather Henry.
We will take your grandfather first. Henry De Lauter married Elizabeth Loury and they had a large family = Lutts, Elias, James, Solomon (your father) and George, Girls = Elizabeth Hanshew, Mandy Baker, Sarah Obroke, Phoebie Biser and Alice Hoover. Your uncles and aunts.
My father's name was David and he married Emmaline Loury, a sister of Henry De Lauter's wife Elizabeth. Now in brief, I will tell of myself. I am from a large family also. I am the 13th one and the last. The next generation is your generation. Solomon De Lauter married Susan Cornelius Dutrow in Myersville, MD. They moved to West Virginia then to Virginia. They also had a large family of boys and girls. Bernice, Harry and Charles died as infants. Ida, William, Sallie, Layton, James, Zelda, Ronald and Clarence. This is the best that I know. There might have been more said who they married but our relationship is scattered all over the U.S.A.
-- Charles De Lauter, Myersvill, MD
(The following copy of a letter from P.D. DeLawder of Lost River, West Virginia -- June 17, 1947.)
Mr. Norman DeLawder,
Berkley Springs, West VirginiaDear Sir:
I have yours of a recent date in reply will say that the DeLawder come over here with French Army, during the American Revolutionary war. Three brothers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Abraham settled in Hardy Co. Isaac in Penn. and Jacob in Barber Co. West Virginia. Very little is known of Isaac and his family, but Jacob raised a large family many of them are living in Barber Co. I have heard in direct from them of different occasions. I think that several of your notes are not exactly correct, as to the names and dates, but I do not know exactly what would be the proper corrections. The brothers fought at the battle Yorktown and witnessed the surrender of Lord Cornwallis.
Yours truly,P.D. DeLawder
"Per the family story Dad's grandfather or great grandfather came to the States with Lafayette and his army. There was a father and two sons that made the trip over."
Yours truly,Della DeLaughter
200 South Williams
El Reno, Oklahoma 73036(These people are descendants of Samuel DeLaughter s/o William s/o Daniel s/o David s/o Jacob the progenitor.)
The Delaughter name is listed with the early settlers of Middletown Valley of Maryland before 1745 in Schafts "History of Western Maryland."
David Delator's will was probated in 1767. His land patent "David's Choice" bears the date 1743. A naturalization record in Annapolis; and church records of the birth of a son John, are all before 1775.
Jacob Delatter, another early family of this surname became naturalized 10 April 1762 (became English citizen). Church birth records list four children before 1770 and a land patent
"WORMS" dated
29 October 1754. Once again we find dates before the American Revolution.
The earliest listing of Lawrence (Lawrence, Lorentz) in America is found in the church confirmation records of 1754. A Larance Delator fought in the French and Indian war; roll of Capt. Dalashmuts Muster Roll (Roll Call)
13 August 1757 and his earliest land patent "Quarrel Hill" is dated 17 December 1762. These also are pre-revolution dates.
When it became evident that a more authoritative source was needed in our search for European roots, I turned to Charles and Frankie Hall of Heritage International, Salt Lake City, Utah. The
following is an excerpt of their finding:
"David De Lattre I; born "bei La Basse unweit Lisle" (Lille) in Flanders, carried into Germany, baptized in Oggersheim when he was a quarter year old, died frozen 14 Jan 1726 near Schifferstadt. Buried 16 Jan 1726 in Grobshifferstadt, aged about 70 years (Schifferstadt Rhineland-Pfalz, Germany)Scriptures read at his burial: Gen.31:40, Ecc. 40:10, the text - Psalm 73:25-26
Children listed include David II christened 1700 and Jacob christened 1705. No marriage record is listed for Jacob. However, David De Lattre s/o David married Anna Elizabeth Geringer 22 Sept. 1718. Five children are listed: Johann Nicolaus, Christina, Johann Henrich, Maria Catharina and Phillipp Lorenz."
An emigration record of 1741 was found for a David DeLattre living at that time in Edenkoben, Germany.
It is assumed that David Delator arriving on the ship Saint Andrew 2 Oct 1741 and
the David DeLattre of the emigration record in Germany are one and the same person.
If we accept these findings at face value, our primary search would be complete, that is European roots and relationship. Circumstantial evidence in America points in this direction, also.
At this point, however, I have not found proof to show the exact relationship.
The records available would indicate these early Delauters
to be devout, God-fearing people. Money was contributed to the
church; children were brought for baptism and confirmation.
The testimony of the Rev. Wm. Otterbein concerning communion
attendance adds to this conclusion.
These people were patriotic, David Delator upon arrival in Philadelphia took the oath of Allegiance to England. Later on three difference occasions each became naturalized English citizens.
Laurence (Lawrence) Delater fought in the French and Indian War. When the time came to stand with the colonists, Henry s/o Jacob Delator gave his life. Four Delawders are listed in the invasion
of Baltimore 1812. Namely: Daniel, David, Frederick and Jacob.
Industrious would be another word we could use to describe
our ancestors. They secured land patents and struggled to become
self-sufficient. The inability of English speaking people in power
to communicate effectively with the German speaking populace
intensified their problems.
Two examples of their hardships are listed: "I am John Lang... I arrived at the port of Philadelphia two days ago. I was born in Berleburg in Germany... we left Europe in June; now it is October. My wife and son died on the way over and were buried in the ocean... we had very little to eat... Everyone is sick..."Land patents:"It is an old story, replied Christopher Sower. John Steadman controls the ships which bring the German people to these shores. He overcrowds the ships so that he can make more money. Even if a person dies at sea the cost for the passage must be paid. The victim's possessions became the property of Mr. Steadman."
In the establishment of a home there were many demands for the small amount of money realized. Sometimes they were not able to pay the quit-rents as they were due and these were turned over to the sheriff for collection.
These officers in turn added such exorbitant penalties that many of the German people considered leaving the province.
In spite of these hardships, they became artisans, farmers, coppersmiths, blacksmiths, carpenters, ministers and school teachers.
"David's Choice," 5 May 1744 to David Delatro in Prince George's County, Maryland. The description of "David's Choice" is as follows: "South side of a branch called Race Ground Branch." David's Will found in Frederick Co. MD, bequeaths to son John the "Race Ground." A later re-survey of "David's Choice" -- "Race Ground Branch" by John, in which his wife Savilla was mentioned appears in Frederick Co. MD.We know that land was taken from Prince George's County in order to establish Frederick County. This we assumed to be the reason for a seeming discrepancy. A record of the Resurvey of David's Choice is in Frederick Co. Courthouse.
"Quarrel Hill" 17 Dec 1762 and "Agreed in Time" are both land patents of Laurence (Lawrence) Delauter. "Quarrel Hill" states: "beginning at a bounded White oak standing on the east of the falls on Mill Run." "Agreed in time" states: "beginning at a bounded White oak standing on the east side of a run called Mill Run above the falls." Also a deed dated 22 March 1773 conveying to Christopher Brown 50 A. of "Agreed in Time" situated on the East side of a run called Mill Run above the falls. Mill Run, now known as Little Catoctin Creek flows a mile or more East of "Ramshorn" a land patent of Jacob Culler. Near the junction of Highland School Road and Crow Rock Road.
"Worms" a land patent of Jacob Delauder was five perches from a spring that descends into "Middle Creek a Draught of Catoctin Creek."
The marriage record 7 March 1775 of Jacob Zimmerman and Elizabeth Delatterin, Jacob Delatter's widow, both residing on Middle Creek.
"De Lauder's Luck", Jacob Delauder (grandson of Jacob Delauder) states: "The Mill Place", North side of Catoctin Creek." The examination of land records in Frederick County Court House, and the Hall of Records at Annapolis reveal much information in helping to trace lineage of this family. There are two such land records which were very important.
The land patent "Worms" is listed under Jacob Delunten. However, from 1769 to 1773 the rent roll was paid by Jacob Delauder. The land patent "Last Choice" of David Delauter states: "tract of land called Worms, originally the 29th October 1754 to Jacob Delaughter." This record, in addition to the birth record, gives additional credence to a father-son relationship.
The second land record which is extremely valuable in tracing this line involved Jacob, the grandson of Jacob the immigrant.
On one of our first trips to Maryland, after seriously beginning our genealogical search, we visited Miss Catherine De Lawter. She was a descendant of George and Elizabeth Bussard De Lauter. She furnished us with a copy of the list of the children of Peter Bussard, three of whom had married De Lauters.
On this same visit we talked with another descendant of George and Elizabeth Bussard De Lauter. Their family tradition included the account of "three brothers." Two went west. Only George remained in Maryland.
Through the years, my father, Ora De Lauter would question anyone with a similar name, concerning his ancestry. Conversations with Louis De Lawter, of Peru, Indiana revealed an equally curious De Lawter. His mother, a Mrs. Bessie McHale De Lawter, had some hand written pages from their old family Bible and had graciously furnished my father, Ora with a copy.
Several months passed before I visited my parents in Wabash, Indiana. During this time my father had shared with me only that which was distinct enough for his eyes. Upon my arrival at home, I asked to see this copied material. To my delight I found the children of Jacob and Catherine Main De Lawter listed. This list included spouses, two of which were Bussard. Marriage records were found for all these DeLawter children in Frederick and Washington Counties in Maryland.
In addition: see Liber W R 36 18 - 10 Jan. 1810 Frdk. Co. MD lists the surviving heirs of Jacob Delauder = George Delauder, Mary, Jacob, Elizabeth, Susanna, Catherine, Jonathan and Nancy.
see Liber J S 17 -1828 heirs at law
representing Jacob Delauder = "The Mill Place North Side of Catoctin Creek," Henry Haupt and Elizabeth, George Delauder, John Baer and Catherine, Samuel Bussard and Mary, Daniel Palmer and Ann, John Bussard and Susanna.
A comparison of the Bible records and the legal records after Jacob's death, shows Daniel's name is missing and Elizabeth w/o Henry Haupt as an heir, -- apparently a daughter.
"Jacob Delawter emigrated from France to America in the year Sixteen Hundred and Forty for their Christian belief He lived on the border line between France and Prussia. He was banished by the Huguenot. Jacob Delawter the great grand son of Jacob Delawter married Catharin Main; to this union was born Jacob Delawter. Catharine Delawter married to John Bear. Mary Delawter married to Samuel Bussard. Susan Delawter married to John Bussard. Johnathan Delawter was married to Elisabeth Witmore. Anne Delawter was married to Daniel Palmer. Daniel Delawter. George Delawter. Mrs. Rebecca Delawter was married to Henry Haupt first marriage. Catharine D. widow of Jacob Delawter was married to Jacob P. Wolf; to this union was born Samuel Wolf, Levi Wolf, Jacob Wolf half brothers to the Delawter children."
Neither of these family lists included the parents of Jacob Delawter, husband of Catharine Main and grandson of Jacob the immigrant.
On 19 March 1773 Philip Miller sold a tract of land on "Isaac's Range" Frederick Co. MD to Henry Delauder (Liber S folio 43). On 21 August 1789 a deed was recorded at the request of Jacob Delauder for the resurvey of this identical tract of land. Now, "Philip Miller . . . will and truly to him in hand paid by the said Jacob Delauder son and heir of Henry Delauder."
To my knowledge this record is the only connecting link between the immigrant Jacob and his grandson Jacob the son of Henry.
*Note: 1st. by Catherine Delawter w/o Jacob late of Frederick Co. MD
R B #1 426 - 1800-1809
R B #2 ___ - 1809-1811
"The second account of Catherine Delawter administrator pd. Thomas T. Tucker, Treas. of U.S. on acc't of land purchased by deceased in the Dist. of Cincinnatus Sec. W. 34 Range no. 4 - 72.1.11 current money."
I have often wondered if this property lured son Jacob west into Ohio in 1820?
Historical Background:
The name (DeLaughter, DeLauder & var.) is very likely French/Flemish. It's a modified Germanic name with a typically French prefix, the sort of name that would most likely occur in the northern (Flanders) region--though possibly in Alsace or Lorraine or even Burgundy. The "De" prefix suggests strongly the Flanders region, however. The prefix also indicates either nobility or royal recognition of some notable achievement or service in the past. Using "De" (of) meant establishment of a notable house and family line (as with "Von" in German).
Germany did not exist in the 1740s, except as loosely confederated vestiges of the "Holy Roman Empire," scores of duchies and "kingdoms" which were constantly at war with each other and being warred upon. A bit of perspective on the history of that region at that time can aid our understanding of what was happening to the DeLauters, their possible movements and their emigration to the American Colonies. Politics, (both imperial and ecclesiastical), religion, wars and economics dictated the lives of thousands of people during the turbulent late 17th and early 18th centuries.
The Lille region was strongly Huguenot (French Protestant) in the 1600s. DeLauter's living in this area would have suffered great political--geographic--economic upheaval, including almost incessant war, plus religious harassment and persecution.
For almost 200 years of the family history, from the early 1500s their homeland had been embroiled in a succession of wars, with Flanders and the Scheldt River Valley a major crossroads. The Lille Region (Flanders) historically French, was occupied successively by the Burgundians (Germans), Hapsburg Austrians, Spanish and English. Between those occupations, French.
While princes sought to expand their empires, often under the banner of religion, the new Protestantism collided head on with the Church; the state was usually regarded as simply the earthly extension of The Church. By 1635 all of Europe was at war, which lasted--in that phase--for 12 more years.
Through a long and bitter period of civil war and struggle the Huguenots had won some measure of local freedom to worship. but, Cardinal Richelieu, the chief minister, and Louis XIV believing France's strength lay in unity effectively negated their hard-won freedoms. Under Louis XIV systematic persecution of Protestants was increased; so that by 1629 they had lost all political privileges; in 1685 Louis declared the Edict of Nantes (which guaranteed freedom of worship) to be void. Through the next decade thousands of Protestants fled France, virtually emptying whole towns and provinces.
After 1648 and the Treaty of Westphalia which ended the Thirty Years War, some measure of security and stability was found in a few German states. Catholics and Protestants could live side by side, at least in adjacent territories.
The religion practiced in each state depended upon the religion of the ruling prince. Some were tolerant and allowed a variety of faiths, Anabaptist, Reformed, etc. as in the case of Prince Henry in the Province of Wittgentstein in Hesse-Cassel.
If we accept the hypothesis of David DeLattre, as mentioned earlier, we note he was carried from France during the time of partial religious toleration before the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. Undoubtedly, some areas of France were more strict than others.
It was this world of unrest, harassment, persecution and dislocation into which David was born (circa 1656).
William Penn, a wealthy English Quaker established Penn's colony and Philadelphia in the 1680s. Here religious toleration was practiced. Advertisements of this "Peaceable Kingdom" were spread up and down the Rhine, luring thousands to this American colony.
Something of the excitement must have stirred young David DeLattre to seek this new land. Somewhere, somehow he must find a way to reach this haven for his family.
When in 1735 the Rhine Valley became a pawn in the land exchanges between France and the German (Hapsburg-Lorraine) kings bringing a renewal of religious persecution, the die was cast.
Not until 1741 was David, his wife, George William and perhaps infant Maudelina able to board a boat on the Rhine for this new life in America. (I owe much to Jerry DeLaughter for the historical facts above).
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